Thursday, November 11, 2010

I know that the information included here is a lot and can’t be taken in all at one time. Hang on to it and look at it as you can. On one hand times are very scary. But if you stop and think a bit, don’t allow the fear to take over. Part of the solution is in gathering information and preparing in many different ways. It seems that I can’t gather all the information I want to fast enough.

I was asked a couple of days ago to be one of the thirteen Administrators of the facebook group: United-States-Of-America ·

It’s a group that has grown very fast in a very short time. I will say again as I have many times to my non-facebook friends. To join FB under a pseudonym that way you can use it for information you want to gather or participate in and no one has to know who you are other than those you want to know. Many people do this to keep their anonymity. Remember your knowledge and what you gather is as important to share as anything you have learned.

Whether or not you are a fan of Glenn Beck, I believe these shows that are airing this week everyone should watch and decide for themselves. If the links don’t open when you click them then copy them and then paste into your address bar. In the future any of his shows you wish to watch are available on his site after 7:30pm EST

November 8th,

November 9th,

November 10th,

More information to support food inflation: http://WWW.zerohedge.Com/article/nia-releases-food-price-estimates-qe2-world-bread-2305-corn-1143-6221-sugar

This is an email I sent last night. You can take it for what it’s worth. I believe finding like minded, knowledge seeking & preparing individuals within our own communities could go a long way in getting through this if it comes. I think so often how thankful I am of the things I learned growing up on my Daddy’s farm. I know how to do so many things that so many don't know or have never been exposed to.


We need to hang on to this. Everyone should hear this. I even saved it in Word to print and send to my non-FB friends and family.

I think the Glenn Beck program will be online after 7:30pm EST. Isn't this the series where he was telling about food inflation last night? I sent it to everyone I know. Even those who don't like Glenn Beck and told them that everyone should at least listen.

A friend of mine and I went out for a lengthy afternoon meal and conversation about everything going on. We're going to join the local tea parties, of which there are two and see what's going on around here. When things get bad, community and like minded people will play a big role of survival. We need to know our surroundings. I've said to some. So we prepare, some think you're crazy? What have any of us to loose to be if we are wrong? And if we're not prepared, what then? The same I have told many who ask about what I think about being baptized and having Jesus in your life?

On the other side of that, and I hate to think of this, but sometimes it passes through my mind that, the day may come when we have to choose to fight for Our America & not just hide. Don't get me wrong I think that is the last thing that will happen and everything should be tried before that and still I pray to God Almighty that it will never come to that. My days of complacency are over. I need to read and gather as much "real" information & knowledge as I can so that I may be of some good in whatever we have to do.

Many Thanks to Both You and Richard for this!

This is what Thomas posted on the site:

Thomas Hockenbury
6:26pm Nov 9
This Was Sent To Me By A Israeli Friend. She Knows What It Is Like To Be Surrounded By Her Enemies And Still Have Them On The Run. We Should Be More Like Israel And Kill Our Enemies Before They Kill Us.

"The Jihad President"

I Have A Friend Living In Israel That Sent Me This. She Ask Me To Please Post This. So That We Ameri...cans Can See What Is Seen Of Obama Through An Isreali's Eyes. Thomas "Conspiracy theory or real life events?" Over two years ago I wrote “The Jihad Candidate;” warning readers that Barack Hussein Obama was a Muslim plant hand-picked to destroy America. How I wish I'd been taken seriously. Get yourself something cool to drink, find a relaxing position, and let’s examine what has happened, but before we continue I want you to vividly remember those two jet airliners slamming into the twin towers of lower Manhattan. I want you to remember those American citizens just like you who jumped from the fiery flames to their death because that end would be quicker, less painful. Please remember the dancing and cheering from the Arab Street. Keep those images indelibly in your vision, because the Muslim White House would have you believe “ground zero” doesn’t matter anymore. Since February, 2010, Barack Obama has given Islamic terrorist organization HAMAS, $1.23 billion U.S. dollars. Additionally, Obama has agreed to take 100,000 Gaza residents into the United States as ‘resettled immigrants,” all on your tax dollars. How will these “refugees” find a job with an unemployment rate of 12% here? This president refuses to prosecute the Muslim mastermind of the U.S.S. Cole bombing in 2000, which took the lives of 17 American sailors, yet he persisted in the prosecution of Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe and 1LT Michael Behenna for doing their jobs to fight Muslim Al Qaeda. What? Whose side is Obama on? Any president in American history would have decorated both young men for their heroism on national television. Obama’s answer? Coddle the brutal murderer of 30 United States soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas, Nadal Hasan, and continue his contemptuous assault on our military. But what can you expect from a “president” who holds a special White House Ramadan dinner for 100 of his close Muslim friends (many with ties to terrorism) and basks in the applause of his support to build a “mosque de triumph” at ground zero, which will be used as Sharia finance center. He and his sycophant Muslim apologists continue their efforts to strengthen the false conception of Islam as a benign religion. This chorus of Islamophiles warbles melodious delights about a “peaceful” Islam. They want to airbrush out the misery and spoliation of conquered peoples, the executions and martyrdoms, the rapes, and pedophilia, the child abuse, the humiliations and oppression, and the 15,486 Muslim terrorists bombings and human carnage since 911. Despite our Presidents protestations, such historical facts are the only important information needed as far as "understanding Islam." Could this be the reason Obama’s approval rating among Americans is 41 percent and his approval rating among Muslims is 78 per cent? How can any thinking, clear minded American make sense of such things? Telling audiences that “Islam has contributed to the rich history of America” is a lie Obama continues to spread in challenged. Islam, and Muslims, did NOT have any influence on our founding or our culture. Obama fails to tell his drug induced crowd of followers that the Koran (the “Holy Koran as he calls it) tells readers 109 times to murder infidels and Jews. How positively “peaceful.” But what else do you expect from a foreign born Muslim who endorsed the mosque at ground zero in New York by having the gall to wrap his decision in the cloak of the First Amendment. Any real American president would feel the pain of Americans from 911 and put a stop to the mosque. What a slap in the face of every American citizen! Obama’s disdain for America continues unabated as he approves to finance the fund-raising "sensitivity tour" of his friend Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, (who said in a 2001 interview that the United States was responsible for 911, that the blood was on OUR hands). Did you realize you were paying for Rauf’s trip around Europe, the Middle East and all of his expenses? This gets even worse: Obama approved millions to be spent on the renovation of mosques in 27 countries around the world. Isn’t it nice knowing where your tax dollars are being spent during the biggest recession since 1929? Obama, foreign born? Yes, that nasty “missing birth certificate” hasn’t gone away, and the nation of Kenya continues to insist he is their native. Obama’s hatred of America is further revealed in his steadfast refusal to defend the borders of the United States and submit the State of Arizona to the United Nations for violation of human rights? Violation of human rights? He needs to report his beloved Islam for butchering women! The State of Arizona is only trying to do HIS job because he will not. This president has opened the door for terrorists and disease to freely enter America, and for that alone he should be impeached. This week Obama ordered the release of several hundred captured “illegal aliens,” violating our immigration laws and imposing a back door amnesty plan without the consent of Congress. Obama doesn’t care about you, the crime caused by illegal’s, the expense of a few hundred thousand anchor babies or who will pay for them. He obviously doesn’t care that an illegal could enter the United States with smallpox or a nuclear weapon and murder 80,000 Americans. Someone raised in the world’s most Muslim nation, Indonesia, doesn’t care about you. Someone with close ties to Muslim terrorism in the Middle East and Africa doesn’t care about your day-to-day issues; he cannot identify; his heart and sympathies lie elsewhere. Is Barack Hussein Obama President of the United States or merely a katib (secretary to the Islamic Caliph)? Angry and informed Americans already know the answer. Look at ISLAMONCAPITALHILL.COM to see his agenda. His disdain for America, our history and our traditions, grows more contemptible (and obvious) each day. Americans be damned, nothing can sway him. Those who had any doubts are learning why a guy named “Barry” would change his name to match Mohammed’s horse: Barack. Where is America’s liberal press in all this mess? Drinking the kool-aid of our first black president, they forget his allegiances lie with Muslims because being called a “racist” by the White House is a fate worse than destruction at the hands of Islam. Remember in his book “Dreams of My Father” that Obama said “if the political winds shift in an ugly direction I will side with them (Muslims)?” Well, he meant it! We face in the coming months and years critical points in history that will determine our future existence as a sovereign nation. To scale the fortress walls of financial ruin brought-on by the indulgent “stim-you-less” waste of a trillion dollars that did nothing more than pay-off Obama's campaign contributors and a catastrophic housing finance scheme fueled by insistent liberal meddling, we need an American aware of the need of financial restraint and not someone who continues to wholesale spend (including unlimited lavish vacations). These are the times that try men’s souls; a time requiring unity. We must not be torn-apart by someone forcing the nation of Islam onto our culture. Democrats too much realize, we are at that apogee in American history that we must save our country first, or we will not have a two-party political system to save. Americans realize we need a president that was raised in America; one who would say “the most beautiful sound is the song “ is 'America the Beautiful,' not “the Azan, or early morning Muslim prayer call.” Americans are fed-up with Acorn, and Islam and Chicago thug politics and a president who uses a gold Arabic cloth as his speech backdrop instead of the Stars and Stripes of our national flag. America is disgusted with the racism and bigotry spread by the likes of Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan and Barack Obama. We want a president who will instruct NASA that their job is space exploration, not making murdering Muslims feel good about themselves. We want our nation back before it’s too late. Which side are you on? By Richard Carroll Pass The Bacon Please...

Information is like reading a book, newspaper or other source of reading or viewing. You keep your morals and your self and decide what is good and what you really don’t go for. Bottom line though is that you have taken it in and it allows you the pleasure of discernment.

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