Monday, December 28, 2009

A Reminder: Fronts of Holiday Cards for St. Jude's Ranch for Children

Also, remember I'll gladly arrange to pick them up. I have to pick all up no later than February 17th, 2010

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Grateful for a Friend Who Gently Reminded Me This Morning How Lucky We Really Are

When you pray,remember all our men & women serving our country.All those who will spend Christmas overseas and away from Family.And remember the families that are here missing & worrying about their husbands,wives,grandchildren,etc over there.Merry Christmas to is getting close.

Definitely! I was out the other day at a restaurant and saw one Marine who had been able to come home and be with his family for Chiristmas. He was awed at the food, which was just ok to me. It reminded me how much we take for granted and how many families must be apart for Christmas. A prayer seems both the least I can do and all I can do. Thanks for reminding me Janet! You're always so thoughtful..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I will be going by the Richmond Virginia Food Bank today. My purpose today was to kill two birds with one trip. My gifts to Dr.s, Postman, and Business people this year are going to be donations made in their names along with a card. BUT... That's not my reason for this post. I noticed on the web site while looking for directions that they have a critical need for some certain items. The web site is : If you look on the right side of the page you will see it says items urgently needed. Then you can click on them and they have drop off sites. If you wish to donate items and aren't able to go to one of the drop off sites email me and we can arrange for a place and time that I can pick them up and deliver them. If I/you find out anything further that can help we can make a post.

Things Worth Knowing

PCAV - About Prevent Child Abuse Virginia
Prevent Child Abuse Virginia (PCAV) is a statewide, private nonprofit organization that strives through advocacy, education, direct services and partnerships to eliminate child abuse and neglect in the Commonwealth. ...

I would encourage everyone to check this organization out. This is where I volunteer and there is a wealth of information there to be learned by everyone. I have been amazed again and again. It can benefit someone like me who has no children of there own to new mothers, fathers, grandparents and the list goes on an on. I... cannot say enough good. They are fairly new to FB so please look over the site and be sure to become a fan. One other thing I would like to point out is that they an organization that helps from a positive encouraging point of view. Enjoy

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another Small Way to Help: St. Jude's Ranch for Children

The children at the ranch use these cards to make "new" cards and other gifts for St. Jude's and a little money for themselves.

Instead of throwing them in the trash or the recycle bins, help the kids out by mailing just the FRONTS (makes shipping a lighter postage).

Because of ecards they're not receiving what they used to. They are accepting used, all-occaision cards from November 15, 2009 to February 28, 2010.

St.Jude's Ranch for Children
Recycled Card Program
100 St. Jude's Street
Boulder, NV 89005

877-977-SJRC (7552)

IF: we could find a way for ones to gather them from different places I could arrange to pick them up and mail them in a flat rate postage box. We could ask our churches, offices, organization or print this out and have your children to take it to their classes
and then arrange for me to meet and pick them up and I’ll pay the shipping. If you should decide to ship them on your own ask the post office to weigh them. Wouldn't it be awesome to see how many pounds we actually shipped?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Phrase I Heard that Still Lingers in my Mind.

We Can’t Help That Something From Our Past Has Effected Us. But it Doesn’t Have to Define Who We Are.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Most of my time on the computer today has been spent gathering more information on how things work throughout the counties. Reluctantly, I haven't made it out of Hanover yet. I spent a fair amount of time talking with Lynn Saunders who heads up MCEF(Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Function). Their program is multifaceted and does a lot of good work. One big question I had was how were people getting the information that this was available. Sometimes people will call a church needing help and will be referred to them, through congregations of the churches themselves and also they get a large amount of referrals through the Social Services. Their web site is :

It seems that nothing is set up for pets. Occassionally people will just bring in pet food and when someone says that they need it, it's then given away. I have been given other web sites but before I post them I would like to sort through them to make sure they may help.

My intention is to continue exploring the different venues in all surrounding counties to gather information and post on here. The more information we have the more ideas will come of the best way to go with whatever we choose to do.

Important Information: Some people have been holding parties and just asking their guests to bring an item. Which could be anything from toy, article of clothing, canned goods, pet food etc. Parties don't have to be just for the Holidays and the items can be anything you want people to bring. Don't forget SuperBowl Parties. Basically anything anytime of year. The crowd doesn't have to be large. Any amount helps.

**Lynn Saunders (MCEF) told me to be sure to let people know that she has a huge amount of coats if anyone knows where there is a need. Also there is likely to be a large surplus of toys but she won't receive them until tomorrow.

** Am posting another reciept from the very first batch of food bought.

PEOPLE GIVE ME YOUR THOUGHTS/IDEAS....nothing is ever insignificant!!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Reciepts of Two Donations Bought at Wal-Mart

Sorry that the images aren't layed out the best. I'm learning too. Please be Patient.. LOL.. All suggestions greatly and gladly excepted ;)

Remember you can click on the images to make them larger/


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Some Thoughts to Begin With

I believe that there is a new society of people/families who have been effected by the economy. These people aren't homeless/yet but seriously need help with food, clothing, and pet care/food and there are so many other things such as basic utilities and cleaning supplies, etc.I think there is a brand new "middle class" of people all around us who are defining a brand new version of being poor. It may or may not have touched you yet but in this economy I believe that it's seriously lurking to touch all of us at some degree. The stresses are horrendous. Domestic Violence is way up. I think that on the outside looking in people look normal but the choices and decisions that are becoming part of everyday life are worst than any have had to make before.

That being said, I think a lot of us have also had to cut back on many of the things that we've come to take for granted that before was just there. My personal thoughts on this are that if I have learned to live comfortably without even one small thing or even several things. Why not take that and pass it along to helping others in our own and surrounding communities. I don't think anyone in today's middle class world is so secure that they honestly believe it can't happen to them anymore. It takes such a small amount from each person to add up to a lot to really make a difference in many peoples lives. I believe this should also be an ongoing thing, not just during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Holidays. We really have nothing to loose but as mankind loving mankind there is everything to be gained over time. Who knows? If only a few have been helped was it not worth it. Then what have we honestly lost?

So far we have made two fairly large contributions, and have basically been able to do this anonymously. Both contributions thus far have been delivered to Atlee Community Church and little elves have not disclosed where the food came from but heard people saying how much food it was and how much it was really needed. YAY!!I would love any input anyone could offer on ways to do this on an ongoing basis.

As there are so many areas in need. It's something that continues to tug at me. The middle class is the largest sector of the population. Think of all the various professions and abilities that lie within us. Not just the middle class but any human being could volunteer a small amount of time from any profession or ability that we have and when you add them all up doing just a small amount of time. Its huge how much can be done. Any reduced prices that come from any producer of goods, medicines or anything that people and even for the family pets has the potential to do a great amount of good.

This is just a beginning and an opening topic to see where we can go. Also, what I am trying to figure out are ways that we can all do this and know that it’s all honest and every bit of everything is going to the people that need the food and many other things.With all that, then let’s get going… It was published on Face Book the other day that if the number of people on FB were a country, we would be the fourth largest in the world. Oh, one last thing you may find interesting, look up the definition of the word “PEOPLE” and then look up the Thesaurus. You may be as surprised as I was.